Megan Hammelman

Megan Hammelman

Social Sciences
Cindy Klenke

Cindy Klenke

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Dan Manfredo

Dan Manfredo

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World History UCP

(Grade 9)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: Placement test scores

Including limited background study of the great movements, people, and civilizations of earlier periods, this course focuses on the time span of the Renaissance through modern times. The content provides a strong basis for students to compare and analyze patterns of culture, emphasizing both the diversity and commonality of human experience and behavior. This course emphasized the connections among civilizations from earlier time to the present. In depth reading, research, and advanced study skills are included.

World History Honors

(Grade 9)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: Placement test scores

Including limited background study of the great movements, people, and civilizations of earlier periods, this course focuses on the time span of the Renaissance through modern times. The content provides a strong basis for students to compare and analyze patterns of culture, emphasizing both the diversity and commonality of human experience and behavior. This course emphasized the connections among civilizations from earlier time to the present. In depth reading, research, and advanced study skills are included.

World History Advanced Placement

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: World History UCP, B or higher; Teacher Recommendation

这门大学水平课程的目的是加深对全球进程的演变和与不同类型的人类社会互动的联系的理解. 这种理解是通过选择性的事实知识和适当的分析技能的结合来推进的. 学生将严格审查主要来源文件和分析的意义和对历史事件的影响. 本课程强调国际框架变化的性质及其原因和后果,以及主要社会之间的比较.


(Grade 9-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

The content of this course will focus on government institutions, the discussion of current and controversial issues, service learning, and simulations of the democratic process. This course presents an in-depth analysis of American government on national, state, and local levels. Also analyzed are the roles of political parties, public opinion polls, the electoral process, and special interest groups. Required for the class of 2020 and later. During this course the student must pass the U.S. and Illinois Constitution tests as required by the State of Illinois.

European History Advanced Placement

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: World History UCP, B or higher; Teacher Recommendation

This college-level course is an intense study of the social, political, economic, and religious ideas of Europe from 1500 until 2005. Emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills, writing interpretive essays, and evaluating historical documents.

Global Geography I - The Western World

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

This course studies the western geographical areas of the world: North, Central and South America, the various countries of Europe, as well as Russia and Central Asia. The social, cultural, political, economic, historical and physical makeup of each region are examined. In addition, current issues and how they relate to the United States are studied.

Global Geography II - The Eastern World

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

This course studies the eastern geographical areas of the world: Western, Southern, Eastern, and Pacific Asia, as well as Northern, Central and Southern Africa. The social, cultural, political, economic, historical, and physical makeup of each region are examined. In addition, current issues and how they relate to the United States are studied.

American History: From The Female View

(Grade 11-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

这门课是美国历史的延伸,让学生通过一个新的视角来研究美国历史. Women have impacted United States history from its founding through politics, social issues, societal structure, and beyond. In this class, students will learn about key American events. This class will span from the founding of America up to the end of the 1900s. 学生将通过主要和次要来源学习各种主题,并将以各种方式展示内容知识,包括研究论文.

Examination of the U.S. at War

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

This course examines the experiences of the American people in times of war, from the Civil War to Modern Day. Emphasis is given to the cultural, social, political, and technological impacts of war.

United States Government and Politics Advanced Placement

(Grade 11-12)
Credit: 0.5 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: Teacher Recommendation

本课程旨在让学生对美国政府的结构和职能有详细的了解. 学生将能够识别政府的主要部门,并描述每个部门的权力和职责. 学生还将了解选举过程,并认识到主要政党之间的差异. 学生将学习司法先例,以及关于公民自由和公民权利的宪法如何随着时间的推移而演变. Finally, the course will examine current issues and public policy debates. This will require a great deal of critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation of primary source documents. 期望学生在课程结束后对过程有批判性的理解, 美国政府的优势和弱点,以及对自己的政治观点和这些观点的影响的认识.

Comparative Government and Politics Advanced Placement

(Grade 11-12)
Credit: 0.5 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: Teacher Recommendation

本课程向学生介绍美国以外丰富多样的政治生活. The course uses a comparative approach to examine the political structures; policies; and the political, economic, and social challenges among six selected countries: Great Britain, Mexico, Russia, Iran, China and Nigeria. Additionally, 学生通过分析和解释数据得出结论,比较不同政府解决类似问题的方法的有效性,从而研究不同政府如何解决类似问题. Topics will include Politics, Political Institutions, Political and Economic Change, and Public Policy. Students successfully completing this course will: compare and contrast political concepts, themes, and generalizations; describe and explain typical patterns of political processes and have behaviors of their consequences; compare and contrast political institutions and processes across countries to derive generalizations; and analyze and interpret basic data relevant to comparative government and politics.

United States History (CP)

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: World History CP; Teacher Recommendation

这门长达一年的课程向学生介绍了从殖民时期到现在的美国历史. Students examine major themes throughout history. 通过从原始资料和文件中收集信息,有机会帮助学生发展探究技能.

United States History (UCP)

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

这门长达一年的课程向学生介绍了从殖民时期到现在的美国历史. Students examine major themes throughout history. Primary and secondary sources will be used. 学生将展示追踪和分析时间顺序的能力,并检查在美国重要的主题和概念的关系.S. History. Students will sequence historical events, examine cause and effect, identify different perspectives, and related historical situations to current issues. 通过从原始材料和文件中收集和组织信息,有机会发展先进的查询技能.

United States History Honors - Dual Credit

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: B average or higher in previous Social Studies class; Teacher Recommendation

这门长达一年的课程向学生介绍了从前哥伦布时期到21世纪初的美国历史调查st century. This course is a dual credit option through Lincoln College.

United States History Advanced Placement

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: English II UCP, A- or higher; English II H, B+ or higher

This college level course enables the student to obtain, by good performance on the Advanced Placement Exam, up to one year of college credit in college U.S. History. The course involves the reading, interpretation, analysis, 以及与美国历史上的重大发展有关的主要和次要材料的应用. 学生可以获得对构成历史研究的技能的理解,并有机会在准备大学先修课程考试时发展这些技能.

Child Psychology

(Grade 9-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

这门课程是关于人类在生命最初阶段的成长和发展的研究. Emphasis is placed on major theories and perspectives as they relate to the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of humans from conception to pre-school years. Some topics covered include: how humans develop and learn from prenatal through pre-school years; parenting; genetic disorders; importance of play; and special guest speaker topics. It is designed for any student who has interest in the study of children, families and parenting; or who may have interest in pursuing a career in early childhood, elementary or special education, child care services, social services, psychology, and pediatrics. By engaging in class discussions, activities and projects, 学生将获得必要的生活技能,为他们成年后选择的职业道路或家庭生活做好准备.


(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

本课程深入分析了当今美国社会的本质. 课程将特别强调社会学术语和对当今美国社会的研究.


(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

This course provides an overview of our mental processes and human behavior. A common question that is addressed and discussed at length is, "Why do we act the way we do?" Some of the methods used to cover the material include experiments, group activities, online games, and clips from the National Geographic show "Brain Games.“重点放在课程各个领域的独特人物的案例研究上.

Psychology Honors

(Grade 11-12)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: B average or higher in previous Social Studies or Science Classes; Teacher Recommendation

这一整年的课程强调对心理过程和人类行为进行系统和科学的研究. 学生将有机会研究和探索各种心理学主题,并在感知领域设计和进行实验, memory, child development, classical and operant conditioning, social psychology, and other psychological phenomena. Emphasis will be placed on analytical thinking and research.

Psychology Advanced Placement

(Grade 12)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: B average or higher in previous Social Studies or Science Classes; Teacher Recommendation

这是一门大学水平的课程,通过这门课程,学生将被引入对行为和心理过程的系统和科学的研究. Students will take an in depth look at psychological facts, principles, theories, and phenomena associated with each of the major sub-fields within psychology. Emphasis will be placed on research, case studies, and analytical thinking skills.